The Fashion File: tips and tricks on retro fashion by the fashion designer from the TV show Mad Men, Janie Bryant. Bryant is an Emmy-award winning costume designer and is responsible for all the fabulous the looks seen on the trendy TV show Mad Men.
The Mad Men wardrobe features a fantastic array of sophisticated true-to-period styles that are very hip right now. Buy hereBetty Draper
Retro Snacks: This cookbook by Susan Wolk boasts a collection of authentic 50s snacks to enjoy - promising such treats such as 'delicious diner offerings' and 'sophisticated cocktails'. As a bonus, it's illustrated with authentic 50s advertisements. Available from Amazon
Bush Radios: Reproductions of the 1959 iconic Bush radio, with modern radio electronics inside, from eurocosm.
One for the 50s kitsch collectors: Hula Lamps circa 1950s, signed "Gianelli's Art Products" at ebay with an incredible buy now price of US$1,750. They are pretty special -the genuine article.
50s Print Cushion: More lovely products from Jane Foster. Jane has a wide selection of classic designs based on styles from the 50s, 60s, and 70s.The cushions can be found here
Life's a picnic: Sweet old-fashioned picnic basket from Amazon. It's tempting to get this out and get off the computer for some fresh country air.
Wooden Toaster: I'm not sure wood is the best possible choice for a toaster but then this is only a toy..and a pretty cute one at that. From My Wooden Toys
In Praise of the Pouf: Poufs were very popular in the 1950s and indeed, they're still a very handy item to have around. This Oilo white ottoman pouf, handcrafted in the US is verrry nice., if expensive at $349. Still, it would probably last forever. Available at Amazon
Little Red kitchen: A 'red retro' kidkraft at Amazon. Kewt.
Innovative: Ping pong hand mirrors from the creative guys at Toby House:
Rose Coloured Glasses: Retro round frames and a luscious pink colour, set these sunglasses apart. From Betsey Johnson:
Spotted: Vintage polka dot mini-dress from Frankie Sunshine:
I'm Gonna Buy a Paper Doll: Dress up American girl 'Julie' in fashions from the 70s (shudder). Were the clothes really that bad? Lot's of paper dolls to choose from at Paperdoll reviews

Bow Tie: Bow ties exude that vintage look. You either love them or think they look poncy. Either way, they do make a man stand out. I like this green spotty one, from Amazon.
Mexican Market Bag: Kitsch and kewl....and made from 'woven polymesh'. (Is that toxic...?) Stand out with this garish, yet strangely compelling ode to bad taste from Ruby Carmen's
Collectable Batmobile Instruction Sheet; Obscure I know but just in case anyone's looking for original instruction sheet for a Corgi Toys, 1966 Batmobile, for $20. ebay link
Little Green Man - For the man who has everything? How eye-poppingly cute is this shiny green tin toy robot...? Well maybe not everyone's bag but I like him...
Screenprinted Dolls - Love these Jane Foster hand-made, sixties-style ragdolls. Each doll is individually made from a screenprint on linen and you can check them out here.
70s Apron - Look back in for the baby boomers - groovy "1970" red/orange apron from Heavenly Vintage Lingerie
Shiny, Shiny - Love these metallic lamps spotted at, which are reminiscent of the old metallic tumblers from the 50s, yet I'm not 100 % sure if I'd like them in the house.....conflicted.
They're called Cindy Lamps, by Kartell and are available at